Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Singkong Thailand (Sweet Cassava)

The recipe is quite simple and easy, the problem is if you do not use the right species of Cassava (singkong/ ketela pohon, you won't get crack and smooth cassava as Singkong Thailand all about. So, make sure you use the right one, we called it "Singkong Mentega" here, it will easily cracked, 15 minutes after you boiled it with water, the texture will be smooth and transparent.

Boiled 1250ml of water
Add 1kg of Cassava (peel, wash and cut into 5cm)
Wait until the Cassava cracked & transparent or until the water reduced to one quarter
Add 150-250gr of sugar (I like it very sweet so I use 250gr sugar)
Add 2pieces of Pandan Leave and 1/2 tea spoon of Vanilla crystal
Wait until the sugar dissolved, meanwhile mix 50gr of Maizena ot Sagu Powder with 50 ml of water
Pour the Maizena mixture to the boiled Cassava, stir it well until it thicken.

Coconut Sauce
Put 200ml Kara Coconut milk and 200ml water into a sauce pan, add 1 Pandan Leave, cook with low heat, add 1/4 tea spoon of salt, stir it every one minute until boiled
Mix 1-2 table spoon of Maizena/Sagu Powder with 50ml of water, pour into the boiled Coconut milk, stir it well

Serve the Cassava with the Coconut Sauce, I bet you can resist the temptation to have another portion, Nambah lagi dan lagi!

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